D. Terence Langendoen

Go to: Articles Reviews Work in progress Presentations Reports Unpublished
- 1997
Theory: An Overview. Oxford: Blackwell (Diana B. Archangeli, coeditor) Table of contents v, Notes on
contributors vii, Foreword viii-xii, Afterword 200-215
- 1984
Vastness of Natural Languages. Oxford: Blackwell (Paul M. Postal,
coauthor). Contents v, Preface vi-ix
- 1976
Integrated Theory of Linguistic Ability. New York: T. Y. Crowell
(Thomas G. Bever and Jerrold J. Katz, coeditors). Contents vii-viii, List
of contributors ix, Introduction 1-9
- 1971
in Linguistic Semantics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
(Charles J. Fillmore, coeditor). Preface v-vi, Contents vii-viii
- 1970
of English Grammar. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Preface
vii-x, Contents xi-xiii, Introduction 1-9, "The Walrus and the
Alligator" 10-31.
- 1969
Study of Syntax: The Generative-Transformational Approach to the Structure
of American English. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Acknowledgment vii, Contents ix, Introduction 1-5
- 1968
London School of Linguistics: A Study of the Linguistic Contributions of
B. Malinowski and J. R. Firth. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Foreword
vii, Preface ix, Contents xi-xii, Introduction, 1-6
Articles Top
- 2013 (prepublication version) Eugene Albert
Nida. Language 89.163-169 (obituary
- 2010 (prepublication version) An OWL-DL
implementation of GOLD: An ontology for the
Semantic Web. Linguistic
Modeling of Information and Markup Languages: Contributions to Language
Technology, ed. by Andreas Witt & Dieter Metzing.
Dordrecht: Springer (Scott Farrar, coauthor)
- 2010 A road map
for interoperable language resource metadata. Proceedings
of the Seventh Conference on International Language Resources and
Evaluation (LREC'10),
Valletta, Malta, ed. by Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri,
Bente Maegaard, Joseph
Mariani, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis, Mike Rosner & Daniel Tapias,
2506-2509 (Christopher Cieri, Khalid Choukri, Nicoletta Calzolari, Johannes Leveling,
Martha Palmer, Nancy Ide & James Pustejovsky,
- 2010 Computational
linguistics in support of linguistic theory. Linguistic
Issues in Language Technology 3(2).1-31 (Emily Bender, coauthor)
- 2010 (prepublication version) Just how big
are natural languages? Recursion and Human Languages, ed.
by Harry van der Hulst, 139-146. Berlin: Mouton
- 2008 Coordinate
grammar. Language 84.691-709
- 2006
Los paradigmas nominales de yaqui y la Teoria de la estructura paradigmática. Memorias del Octavo Encuentro Internacional de
Lingüística en el Noroeste, Tomo I, ed. by Zarina Estrada Fernández, 259-274. Hermosillo:
Editorial UniSon (Constantino
Martínez Fabián, coauthor)
English version: Yaqui nominal
paradigms and the theory of paradigmatic structure
- 2006 Disjunctive
numerals of estimation. Style
- 2005 (prepublication version) Jerrold J.
Katz (1932-2002). Encyclopedia of Language and
Linguistics, 2nd ed., ed. by Keith Brown. Oxford: Elsevier.
- 2004 The semantics
of markup: Mapping legacy markup schemas to a common semantics. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP and
XML (NLPXML-2004), ed. by Graham Wilcock,
Nancy Ide and Laurent Romary, 25-32. Association
for Computational Linguistics (Gary Simons, William D. Lewis, Scott
Farrar, Brian Fitzsimons and Hector Gonzalez, coauthors)
- 2003 (prepublication version) Merge. Formal Approaches to Function in Grammar: In
Honor of Eloise Jelinek, ed. by Andrew
Carnie, Mary Willie and Heidi Harley, 307-318. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
- 2003 (submitted version) A linguistic
ontology for the semantic web. GLOT International 7(3).97-100 (Scott
Farrar, coauthor)
- 2003 (prepublication version) Finite-state
languages. Oxford International Encyclopedia of
Linguistics, 2nd ed.,
ed. by William J. Frawley, 3.26-28. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. Revision of: Finite state languages and grammars.
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by William
Bright, 2.12-14, 1991
- 2003 (prepublication version) The logic of reflexivity and reciprocity. Anaphora: A Guidebook, ed. by Andrew Barss, 237-263. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (Joël Magloire, coauthor)
- 2002 Sequence
structure. The Legacy of Zellig
Harris: Language and Information into the 21st Century, vol. 2: Computability
of Language and Computer Applications, ed. by Bruce Nevin and Stephen M. Johnson, 61-75. Amsterdam: John
- 2002 (submitted version) An ontology for linguistic annotation. Semantic
Web Meets Language Resources: Papers from the AAAI Workshop (Technical
Report WS-02-16), 11-19. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press (Scott Farrar
and William D. Lewis, coauthors)
- 2002 Bridging the
markup gap: Smart search engines for language researchers. Proceedings of the Workshop on Resources and
Tools for Field Linguistics. Las Palmas, Canary Islands. (Scott Farrar
and William D. Lewis, coauthors)
- 2001 Building a
knowledge base of morphosyntactic terminology. Proceedings
of the IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases, 150-156. Philadelphia:
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania
(William D. Lewis and Scott Farrar, coauthors)
- 1998 (prepublication version) Limitations
on embedding in coordinate structures. Journal of
Psycholinguistic Research 27.235-259.
- 1998 (prepublication version) Linguistic
theory. The Blackwell Companion to Cognitive Science,
ed. by William Bechtel and George Graham, 235-244. Oxford, UK: Blackwell
- 1998 (prepublication version) Bloomfield. The MIT
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, ed. by Robert A. Wilson and Frank
C. Keil, 90-91. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- 1996
Sobre las llamadas cláusulas relativas en yaqui. Memorias del
Tercer Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste, ed. by Zarina Estrada
Fernández, Max Figueroa Esteva y Gerardo López Cruz, 443-464. Hermosillo:
Editorial UniSon (Constantino
Martínez Fabián,
coauthor) English version: On so-called
relative clauses in Yaqui
- 1995 A rationale
for the TEI recommendations for feature-structure markup Computers and the Humanities 29.191-205
(Gary F. Simons, coauthor). Reprinted in The Text Encoding Initiative:
Background and Context, ed. by Nancy Ide and Jean Veronis,
191-210. Dordrecht: Kluwer
- 1994 Linking,
segmentation, and alignment; Simple
analytic mechanisms; Feature
structures; Graphs,
networks, and trees. Guidelines
for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3), ed. by Michael Sperberg-McQueen
and Lou Burnard. Chicago and Oxford: Text
Encoding Initiative, 393-454, 455-474, 475-520, 605-624 (Steven De Rose,
coauthor of Linking, segmentation, and alignment; and Gary F. Simons,
coauthor of Feature structures)
- 1993 TWINCLE: The WINdowing Computational Linguistics Environment. Proceedings of the Sixth International
Conference on Symbolic and Logical Computing, ed. by Eric Johnson, pp.
193-208. Madison, SD: Dakota State University (Clinton Jeffery and Jon Lipp, coauthors)
- 1992 Symmetric
relations. The Joy
of Grammar: A Festschrift in Honor of James D. McCawley,
ed. by Diane Brentari, Gary Larson and Lynn
MacLeod, 199-212. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
- 1990 Views on
grammatical voice from and for the '90s. WECOL 89 (Proceedings of the Western
Conference on Linguistics 2), ed. by Vida Samiian,
189-199. Fresno: California State University at Fresno
- 1990 A new method
of representing constituent structures. The Uses of Linguistics (Annals of
the New York Academy of Sciences 583), ed. by Edward Bendix, 143-160. New York: New York Academy of
Sciences (Yedidyah Langsam,
- 1989
Preposition-phrase attachment in noun phrases. Journal of
Psycholinguistic Research 18.533-548 (Dana McDaniel and Yedidyah Langsam, coauthors)
- 1987 On the
phrasing of coordinate compound structures. A Festschrift for Ilse
Lehiste (Ohio State University Working
Papers in Linguistics 35), ed. by Brian Joseph and Arnold Zwicky, 186-196. Columbus: Ohio State University
- 1987 On the design
of finite-state transducers for parsing phrase-structure languages. Mathematics of Language, ed. by Alexis Manaster-Ramer, 191-236. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Yedidyah Langsam, coauthor)
- 1985 Sets and
sentences. The
Philosophy of Linguistics, ed. by Jerrold J. Katz, 225-248. Oxford:
Oxford University Press (Paul M. Postal, coauthor)
- 1985 Topic
structures in Chinese Language 61.1-27 (Xu Liejiong, coauthor)
- 1984 Generative generative phonology. Language and Cognition: Essays in Honor of
Arthur J. Bronstein, ed. by Lawrence J. Raphael et al., 107-123. New
York: Plenum
- 1984 Word
processing in freshman composition: One teacher's experience. Microcomputers and Basic Skills in College,
ed. by Geoffrey Akst, 30-31. New York:
Instructional Resource Center of the City University of New York
- 1984 The representation of constituent
structures for finite-state parsing. Proceedings of COLING 10, ed. by Donald
Walker, 21-24. Menlo Park, CA: Association for Computational Linguistics (Yedidyah Langsam, coauthor)
- 1984 English and
the class of context-free languages; Comments on Pullum's criticisms. Computational Linguistics 10.177-181; 187-188
(Paul M. Postal, coauthor)
- 1982 On a class of
not ungrammatical constructions Journal of Linguistics 18.107-112
- 1982 The
interpretation of predicate reflexive and reciprocal expressions in
English. Proceedings
of NELS 12, ed. by James Pustejovsky and
Peter Sells, 163-173. Amherst: Graduate Linguistic Association of the University
of Massachusetts (Edwin L. Battistella, coauthor)
- 1982 The
grammatical analysis of texts. Text
Processing: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 51, ed. by Sture Allén, 161-205.
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell
(including discussion by Christopher Habel,
Hans-Jakob Schneider and Östen
Dahl, and reply by author)
- 1981 The
generative capacity of word-formation components Linguistic Inquiry 12.320-322
- 1979 On the
assignment of constituent structures to the sentences generated by a
transformational grammar. CUNYForum 8.1-32
- 1979 The role of
grammar in the use of language. Psycholinguistic Research: Applications and
Implications, ed. by Doris Aaronson and Robert W. Rieber,
229-240. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
- 1979 Discussion of
papers by Yakov Malkiel
and E. M. Uhlenbeck. The
European Background of American Linguistics, ed. by Henry M. Hoenigswald, 145-159. Dordrecht: Foris
(including rejoinder by E. M. Uhlenbeck, and surrejoinder by the author)
- 1979 More on
locative-inversion and the structure-preserving hypothesis Linguistic Analysis 5.421-437
- 1979 Linguistics
must be computational too. The
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2.470-471; peer commentary on Michael Arbib and David Caplan,
Neurolinguistics must be computational
- 1978 (Speculative Grammarian link) On revising and extending wh-movement. Lingua Pranca,
ed. by Thomas Ernst and Evan Smith, 34-37. Bloomington: Indiana University
Linguistics Club (under the pseudonym of D. Terence Nuclear)
- 1978 The logic of
reciprocity Linguistic
Inquiry 9.177-197
- 1977 Preposition
stranding in English: A problem and a mystery. CLS book of squibs, ed. by S. Fox, et
al., 64-65. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society (Geoffrey K. Pullum, coauthor)
- 1977 On the
inadequacy of type-3 and type-2 grammars for human languages. Studies in Descriptive and Historical
Linguistics: Festschrift for Winfred Lehmann, ed. by Paul Hopper,
159-172. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
- 1977 Freedom of
speech in America: How free? CUNYForum 2.39-71
- 1977 Grammatical
theory. International encyclopaedia
of psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis and neurology 5, ed. by
Benjamin B. Wolman, 227-231. New York: Aesculapius Publishers
- 1976 Pragmatics
and presupposition. Language 52.1-17 (Jerrold J. Katz,
coauthor). Reprinted in An
Integrated Theory of Linguistic Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever,
Jerrold J. Katz and D. Terence Langendoen, 393-414; Pragmatics: Critical concepts, vol. 4, ed. by Asa Kasher, 47-68. London: Routledge, 1998)
- 1976 Some problems
in the description of English accentuation. Studies
in the Sound Pattern of English, ed. by Geoffrey K. Pullum and Didier Goyvaerts,
205-218. Ghent: Studia Scientia
- 1976 On the weak
generative capacity of infinite grammars. CUNYForum 1.13-24
- 1976 A case of
apparent ungrammaticality. An Integrated Theory of Linguistic
Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever, Jerrold J. Katz and D. Terence
Langendoen, 183-193. New York: T. Y. Crowell
- 1975 Finite-state
parsing of phrase-structure languages and the status of readjustment rules
in grammar. Linguistic Inquiry 6.533-554
- 1975 Acceptable
conclusions from unacceptable ambiguity. Testing Linguistic Hypotheses, ed. by
David Cohen and Jessica R. Wirth, 111-127. Washington, DC: Hemisphere
Press. Reprinted in An Integrated
Theory of Linguistic Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever, Jerrold J. Katz
and D. Terence Langendoen, 225-238)
- 1975 The relation
of competence to performance. Developmental
Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders, ed. by Doris Aaronson
and Robert W. Rieber, 197-201. New York: New
York Academy of Sciences
- 1974 Speak and
talk: A vindication of syntactic deep structure. On Language, Culture and Religion:
Festschrift for Eugene A. Nida, ed. by M. Black and William A.
Smalley, 237-240. The Hague: Mouton
- 1974 Is the theory
of generative grammar relevant to neurobiology? Language
and Brain: Developmental Aspects (Neurosciences
Research Program Bulletin 12), ed. by Eric Lenneberg,
537-539. Revised
version of oral presentation, 1972)
- 1973 Can a not
unhappy person be called a not sad one? A Festschrift for Morris Halle, ed. by
Stephen R. Anderson and Paul Kiparsky, 392-409.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (Thomas G. Bever, coauthor).
Reprinted in An Integrated Theory of
Linguistic Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever, Jerrold J. Katz and D.
Terence Langendoen, 239-260
- 1973 The problem
of grammatical relations in surface structure. GURT 1973: Language and International
Studies, ed. by Kurt Jankowsky, 27-37.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1973
- 1973 The problem
of linguistic theory in relation to language behavior: A tribute and reply
to Paul Goodman. Daedalus 102.195-201. Reprinted in Language as a Human Problem, ed. by
Einar Haugen and Morton Bloomfield, 197-203. New
York: Norton.
- 1973 Dative
questions: A study of the relation of acceptability to grammaticality of
an English sentence type. Cognition 2.451-478 (Nancy Kalish and John Dore, coauthors). Reprinted in An Integrated Theory of Linguistic
Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever, Jerrold J. Katz and D. Terence
Langendoen, 195-224
- 1972
The problem of grammaticality Peabody Journal of Education
- 1972 The
interaction of speech perception and grammatical structure in the
evolution of language. Linguistic Change and Generative Theory,
ed. by Robert P. Stockwell and Ronald K. S.
Macaulay, 32-95. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (Thomas G. Bever,
- 1972
When optional copula deletion isn't Linguistic
Inquiry 3.539
- 1971 The
projection problem for presuppositions. Studies in Linguistic Semantics, ed. by
Charles J. Fillmore and D. Terence Langendoen, 54-60. New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston (Harris B. Savin, coauthor)
- 1971 Presupposition
and assertion in the semantic analysis of nouns and verbs in English. Semantics: An Interdisciplinary Reader in
Philosophy, Linguistics, and Psychology, ed. by Danny D. Steinberg and
Leon A. Jakobovits, 341-344. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
- 1971 Linguistic
practices of the Federal Trade Commission. The Linguistic Reporter 13.2.1-6
- 1971 A dynamic
model of the evolution of language. Linguistic Inquiry 2.433-463 (Thomas G.
Bever, coauthor). Reprinted in An
Integrated Theory of Linguistic Ability, ed. by Thomas G. Bever,
Jerrold J. Katz and D. Terence Langendoen, 115-148
- 1970 The use of
expletive 'it' in construction with expressions of place and time. Actes du Dixième
Congrès Internationale des Linguistes 2, 911-918. Bucharest:
Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie
- 1970 The 'can't
seem to' construction. Linguistic
Inquiry 1.25-35 (reprinted in Selected articles and theses on
linguistics, 1-17. Tokyo: Eichosha Company, 1974)
- 1970 The
accessibility of deep structure. Readings in English Transformational Grammar,
ed. by Roderick A. Jacobs and Peter S. Rosenbaum, 99-104. Waltham, MA: Ginn and Company
- 1967-1968 Universality
of language design; Redundancy in
language design; Interference
between language patterns; Getting at
the deep structure of language. Practical
Anthropology 14.275-282; 15.29-36; 15.79-85; 15.112-117.
- 1967 Mundari verb
conjugation. Linguistics
- 1967 The copula in
Mundari. The Verb
'Be' and Its Synonyms 1, ed. by John W. M. Verhaar,
75-100. Dordrecht: D. Reidel
- 1967 The nature of
syntactic redundancy. Computer and Information Sciences - II,
ed. by J. T. Tou, 303-314. New York: Academic
- 1967 On selection,
projection, meaning, and semantic content. Ohio
State University Working Papers in Linguistics 2.100-109
- 1966 The syntax of
the English expletive 'it'.
Monograph Series on Language and Linguistics 19, ed. by
Francis P. Dinneen, 207-216. Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press
- 1966 Some problems
concerning the English expletive 'it'. Papers on
Linguistic Analysis 13.104-134.
- 1966 A restriction
on Grassmann's Law in Greek. Language. Language 42.7-9
- 1966 A note on the
linguistic theory of M. Terentius Varro. Foundations of Language 2.33-36
- 1964 Modern British Linguistics: A
Study of its Theoretical and Substantive Contributions. Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of
- 1963 The e/o
ablaut in Greek. Quarterly
Progress Report of the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics 69.202-203
- 1963 The
reciprocating cycle of the Indo-European e/o ablaut (Thomas G. Bever, coauthor). Quarterly
Progress Report of the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics
- 1961 Structural Descriptions for Sentences Generated by a
Non-Self-Embedding Constituent Structure Grammar. S.B. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Reviews Top
- 2010 Lotte Hogeweg, Helen
de Hoop & Andrej Malchukov, eds., Cross-linguistic Semantics of Tense, Aspect, and
Modality. Linguist List 21.2754
- 2002
Linguistics in the 21st century: Review of Mark Aronoff & Janie Rees-Miller, eds., Handbook of
Journal of Linguistics 38.627-643
- 2002
George Lakoff and
Rafael Núñez, Where Mathematics Comes From. Language 78.170-172
- 2001 Pilar Barbosa et al., eds., Is the Best Good
Enough? Optimality and Competition in Syntax. Language 77.842-844
- 2001 Noam Chomsky, New Horizons in the Study of
Language and Mind.
Language 77.583-585
- 1999
Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works. Language 75.136-138
- 1998
Roger Schwartzchild, Pluralities. Language 74.648-651
- 1997
Lila Gleitman and Mark Liberman, eds., An
Invitation to Cognitive Science. Volume 1: Language. Language 73.862-864
- 1997
Geoffrey Sampson, English for the Computer:
The SUSANNE Corpus and Analytic Scheme. Language 73.600-603
- 1997
Barry Schein, Plurals and Events. Language 73.375-377
- 1995
Peter Matthews, Grammatical Theory in the
United States from Bloomfield to Chomsky. Language 71.595-600
- 1995
Randy Harris, The
Linguistics Wars.
Language 71.583-588
- 1994
Zellig Harris, A
Theory of Language and Information: A Mathematical Approach. Language 70.585-588
- 1993
John Lyons, Natural Language and Universal
Language 69.825-828
- 1981
Chung-Kyu Oh and David Dinneen, eds., Presupposition. Language 57.214-220
- 1980
On human communication: Review of Kent Bach and
Robert M. Harnish, Linguistic Communication
and Speech Acts.
Contemporary Psychology 25.793-794
- 1980
Functionalism strikes back: Review of Talmy Givon, On
Understanding Grammar. Contemporary Psychology 25.365-366
- 1979
A monument to scholarship: Review of John Lyons, Semantics, vols. 1-2. Contemporary Psychology 24.176-177
- 1978
Noam Chomsky, Logical Structure of Linguistic
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 7.155-158
- 1978
Noam Chomsky, Essays on Form and
Journal of Philosophy 75.270-279
- 1976
David Cohen, ed., Explaining Linguistic
Language 52.690-696
- 1975
Randolph Quirk, et al., A Grammar of
Contemporary English. Journal of Linguistics 11.277-280
- 1975
Fred J. Householder, Linguistic Speculations. Language 51.977-980
- 1973 Lila Gleitman and
Henry Gleitman, Phrase and Paraphrase. American Journal of Psychology
- 1973
Marina K. Burt, From Deep to Surface Structure. Language 49.714-725
- 1973.
Marina K. Burt, From Deep to Surface Structure. College
English 34.1150-1151
- 1971
Hans Marchand, The Categories and Types of Present-Day
English Word-Formation. Language
- 1971
Frank L. Palmer, ed., Selected Papers of J. R.
Firth 1952-59.
Language 47.180-181
- 1970
John Lyons, Introduction
to Theoretical Linguistics. International
Journal of American Linguistics 36.80-81
- 1970
A. J. B. N. Reichling,
et al., eds., Word Classes. Foundations of Language 6.138-143
- 1970
Chomsky on language: Review of J. P. B. Allen and
Paul van Buren, Chomsky: Selected
Readings; Noam Chomsky, Language
and Mind; and Noam Chomsky,
Problems of Knowledge and Freedom: The Russell Lectures. American
Speech 45.129-134
- 1969
Charles E. Bazell, et
al., eds., In Memory of J. R. Firth. Foundations of
Language 5.391-408
- 1968
Review of papers on ambiguity in context free
languages by Seymour Ginsburg and Joseph Ullian
and by Thomas Hibbard and Joseph Ullian. Journal
of Symbolic Logic 33.301-302
- 1967
Review of a paper on context free languages by
Joseph Ullian. Journal
of Symbolic Logic 32.266-267
- 1967
Robert M. W. Dixon, What Is Language? Language 43.742-751
- 1964 J. R. Firth, comp., Studies in Linguistic
Analysis. Language 40.305-321
Work in
progress Top
Presentations mostly
since 1998 Top
- Jan 2009 Computational linguistics in support of
linguistic theory. Invited plenary, Annual meeting of the
Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco (with Emily Bender)
- Nov 2008 Modals, quasimodals and
pseudomodals. Invited colloquium, Department of Linguistics,
Hong Kong University
- Nov 2008 How big are natural languages? Invited colloquium, Department of Chinese,
Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong
- Jan 2008 Steps toward global interoperability for language
resources. Keynote presentation, First international
conference on global interoperability for language resources, City
University of Hong Kong
- Dec 2007 Elementary logic of features. Invited colloquium,
Department of Linguistics, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- May 2007 Finite-state linguistic structure building. Invited talk, Maryland Mayfest,
Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Apr 2007 Just how big are natural languages? Recursion in human
languages conference, Illinois State University, Normal
- Jun 2006 An e-infrastructure for language documentation on
the Web. Second international conference on e-social
science, Manchester UK (with Gary F. Simons, William D. Lewis and Scott
- Jun 2006 Linguistics in the internet age: Tools and fair use.
E-MELD workshop on digital language documentation: Tools and standards,
Michigan State University (with William D. Lewis and Scott Farrar) PAPER
- Apr 2006 Modals and quasimodals. Invited colloquium, Department of Linguistics,
University of Washington
- Jul 2005 The GOLD effort so far. E-MELD workshop on morphosyntactic annotation
and terminology: Linguistic ontologies and data categories for language
resources, Harvard University (with Brian Fitzsimons and Emily Kidder)
- Mar 2005 Prefer breadth to depth in the analysis of grammatical
recursion. Invited talk, 18th Annual CUNY conference on human sentence
processing, University of Arizona
- Nov 2004 (English version) Los paradigmas
nominales de yaqui y la teoria de la estructura
paradigmática. VIII Encuentro de
lingüística en el noroeste, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora (con
Constantino Martínez Fabian)
- Jul 2004 The semantics of markup: Mapping legacy markup schemas to
a common semantics. 4th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2004), Association
for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona (with Gary Simons, Scott Farrar,
William D. Lewis, Brian Fitzsimons and Hector Gonzalez)
- Jul 2004 A model for interoperability: XML documents as a
distributed database. E-MELD workshop on databases for field linguistics,
Wayne State University (with Ruby Basham, Scott Farrar, Brian Fitzsimons,
Alexis Lanham, William D. Lewis and Gary F. Simons)
- Jul 2004 The GOLD ontology. E-MELD workshop on databases for field
linguistics, Wayne State University (with Shauna Eggers and William D.
- May 2004 Getting NSF funding and the NSF decision process. SBSRI
Summer Grant Proposal Development Workshop, University of Arizona
- Mar 2004 Representation of grammatical knowledge. Cognitive
Science Seminar, California State University, Fresno
- Jan 2004 A semantic web for linguistics. Conference on Modelling Linguistic Information Resources, Center for
Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany (with Scott
- Jan 2004 Comparability of language data and analysis: Using an
ontology for linguistics. Symposium on Endangered Data vs. Enduring
Practice, Linguistic Society of America annual meeting, Boston (with Scott
- Jan 2004 Terascale linguistics:
Infrastructure for research communities. Terascale
Townhall Meeting, Linguistic Society of America
annual meeting, Boston
- Oct 2003 Coordinate grammar. Colloquium, Department of
Linguistics, California State University, Fresno
- Jul 2003 Markup and the GOLD ontology. E-MELD workshop on Digitizing and Annotating
Texts and Field Recordings, Michigan State University, East Lansing (with
Scott Farrar)
- Mar 2003 GOLD: A general ontology for linguistic descriptions
(with Scott Farrar). Cognitive Science Brown Bag colloquium University of
- Oct 2002 Modality and quasimodality
in English. Colloquium, Department of Linguistics,
University of Leiden, The Netherlands
- Sep 2002 GOLD: A general ontology for linguistic descriptions.
Invited talk, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The
- Aug 2002 Sharing and browsing linguistic data. E-MELD workshop on
digitizing lexical information, Eastern Michigan University (with Scott
- Aug 2002 An ontology for linguistic annotation. E-MELD workshop on
digitizing lexical information, Eastern Michigan University (with Scott
Farrar and William D. Lewis)
- Aug 2002 An ontology for linguistic annotation. Workshop on The
Semantic Web meets language resources, Annual meeting of the American
Association for Artificial Intelligence, Edmonton (with Scott Farrar and
William D. Lewis)
- May 2002 Bridging the markup gap: Smart search engines for
language researchers. Workshop on Resources and Tools for Field
Linguistics, Language Resources Evaluation Conference (LREC 3), Las Palmas
(with Scott Farrar and William D. Lewis)
- Mar 2002 A common ontology for linguistic concepts. Knowledge
Technology Conference, Seattle (with Scott Farrar and Will Lewis,
presented by Scott Farrar)
- Dec 2001 Building a knowledge base of morphosyntactic terminology.
Workshop on linguistic databases, Institute for Research in Cognitive
Science, University of Pennsylvania (with Scott Farrar and William D.
- Jun 2001 Linguistic markup. LINGUIST List Language Digitization
Workshop, Santa Barbara
- Oct 2000 Bidirectional constraints for sound-meaning pairings.
SLAT Colloquium, University of Arizona
- Aug 2000 When do we get any?, Keynote speaker, Workshop on
Optimal Interpretations of Words and Constituents, University of Utrecht,
The Netherlands
- Mar 2000 JaCLE: The Java Computational
Linguistics Environment, 13th annual CUNY Conference on
Sentence Processing, University of California, San Diego (poster, with
William Lewis and Duffy Gillman)
- Jan 1999 Constraints on subordination, Presidential address, 75th
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles
- Sep 1998 Human reasoning and natural selection, Cognitive Science
brown bag, University of Arizona
- May 1998 Human reasoning and natural selection, Public lecture,
City University of Hong Kong
- May 1998 Plurals and predicates, Colloquium presentations at the Department
of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong; and
Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong Foreign
Studies University, Guangzhou, China
- May 1998 Limitations on embedding in coordinate structures, Colloquium
presentation at Zhongshan University, Guangzhou,
- Jan 1987 Agreement in Bloomfield, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of
America, San Francisco, Symposium on the occasion of Leonard Bloomfield's
100th birthday (with Dana McDaniel)
- Apr 1983 Twentieth-century structural linguistics in
America, Columbia University Seminar in the History and
Philosophy of Science
- Mar 1969 e/o ablaut in Greek, Annual meeting of the Linguistic Circle of New
York (with Thomas G. Bever
- Jun 1966 Transformational and generative grammar, Presentation at the Connecticut Conference on
New Approaches to Language Study, Wesleyan University
Reports Top
- 2009 Opportunities at NSF.In: Keeping
science moving in tight times. Association for Psychological Research
Observer, September
- 2004 Linguistics.
The College Board Book of Majors, 1st ed.,
335-337. New York: The College Board. Updated version of: Linguistics. The
College Board Guide to 150 Popular College Majors, 264-265, 1992
- 1992 (submitted version) An environment
for supporting experimental computational linguistics research. Final
Report of Twelve Research Projects Funded by US West Foundation, ed.
by Thaddeus Regulinski, 304-339. Tucson:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona
- 1988 The status of
undergraduate education in linguistics in the United States and Canada. Report of
the Linguistics in the Undergraduate Curriculum project. Washington:
Linguistic Society of America
- 1988 Final Report of
the Linguistics in the undergraduate curriculum NEH grant
- 1986 Report of the
1986 LSA Linguistic Institute
- 1964 IBM-MIT Summer Linguistics
Program progress reports (Peter S. Rosenbaum, coauthor). Summary of
seminar on English complement constructions; 1. A prepositional
phrase adjunct of wise-class
adjectives; 2. Prothetic there, sentences with be to, and related topics; 3. Some complex
complement constructions; 4. Further on copula sentences; 5. Verb complement transitive verbs; 6. Transformations
Unpublished work Top