Research in SBS
Research is an integral and vital activity of all units in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The quest for new insight and understanding of people, as individuals and within societies, drives the research in the College. The research of the faculty and students of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences has been recognized by many national and international honors, including Fulbright Awards, Guggenheim Fellowships, MacArthur Fellowships, and National Science Foundation grants and doctoral dissertation awards.
The SBS Research Institute (SBSRI) promotes research in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences from basic and applied research on individual behavior to research on social organization, theory and values, and public policy. The knowledge gained through such research can be used to address practical social problems and guide policy makers, creating new knowledge, and ultimately making the world a better place.
SBSRI provides research funding and services for faculty and students in the College. Whenever possible, SBSRI also assists with social sciences research elsewhere at the University of Arizona, forging new interdisciplinary bonds and opportunities with researchers from other Colleges.