Departments and Units
Interested in the effects of television violence? The ethics of medical research? Border issues between the U.S. and Mexico? How societal pressures affect the self-image of teenage girls? The neurological processes behind Alzheimer's disease? The hidden causes of World War II? The role of women in biblical times? Efforts to preserve Native American languages? These issues are explored through the 23 units within the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
SBS is the UA's largest college with several of its most popular majors -- psychology, communication, political science, and journalism. Many programs are interdisciplinary, examining contemporary issues with direct relevance to today's society.
SBS has five departments ranked in the top 20 by the National Research Council (NRC): anthropology (5), philosophy (11), linguistics (12), sociology (14), and geography and regional development (19). Our Latin American history and social psychology programs are in the top 10 according to US News and World Report. And the communication department has placed in the top 20 in three research areas in the recent National Communication Association (NCA) rankings.
Our professors are committed to outstanding teaching and have won numerous teaching awards. Our faculty, staff, and students are also highly active in the Tucson community. We use internships and research opportunities to provide hands-on learning in SBS.