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Judaic Studies feature

Elie Wiesel Events


"More people in the community are catching our vision for what Judaic Studies can do, both on the campus and in the community."
— Edward Wright, director,
The Arizona Center for Judaic


Elie Wiesel Events

Front gates of Auschwitz with the inscription “Work will set you free.” Photo courtesy of EarthStation1 WWII Sights and Sounds.


The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona will be co-sponsoring two exciting events on April 10, 2005, featuring the renowned Holocaust survivor, novelist and Nobel Laureate, Elie Wiesel. A dinner in the Student Union Grand Ballroom will raise funds for a joint endowment to be shared by the two sponsors. This endowment will be split between two projects:

1) an undergraduate scholarship fund named in honor of Peter Likins’ son, John Likins, for entering students from Tucson who wish to major in programs with an ethnic, religious, cultural, and/or gender focus; and

2) educational programming that focuses on interfaith dialogue and intercultural harmony, thus fulfilling Wiesel’s vision of a more pluralistic, peaceful society.

Following the dinner, Wiesel will deliver the Inaugural UA Presidential Lecture. This public lecture at Centennial Hall is co-sponsored by UApresents and is entitled, “Confronting Fanaticism: Building Moral Unity in a Diverse Society.” Wiesel will also present humanitarian awards that evening to Donald Diamond and Peter Likins. For more information, contact the Judaic Studies office at 520-626-5759 or


For more information, contact Lori Harwood at 520-626-3846 • Webmaster