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Computational Linguistics Seminar
Spring '04

Linguistic Theory is a rich and deep field that has much to offer computational linguists seeking to build systems that encapsulate natural language grammars. This is an advanced seminar that examines how to formalize and implement the relations and mechanisms that underly modern theories of grammar. Special emphasis will be placed on looking at available software systems that have been implemented.

Starting from Goverment and Binding Theory through to the Probe-Goal model of the Minimalist Program, we will examine selected theories in depth.

Instructor: Sandiway Fong
Office (temporary): RM 309 Douglass


Location Room change: Douglass 102
(Social Sciences 308)
Time Mondays 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Pre-requisites and Requirements

Students should have some background in computational linguistics, formal linguistics, logic or formal grammars or artificial intelligence. Otherwise, permission of the instructor is required.

Lectures will follow a seminar format. We will discuss both general techniques and assigned papers.

Formal requirements for registered students:

Lecture Notes

Available in Adobe PDF and PowerPoint formats.


Date Lecture Notes and Papers Topic
PDF Powerpoint
1/26 lecture1.pdf lecture1.ppt Introduction and organizational meeting.
2/2 lecture2.pdf lecture2.ppt The PAPPI System. Demo and discussion.
2/9     No lecture today
2/16 lecture3.pdf lecture3.ppt Case Theory
Note: room change: 102 Douglass

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