Internal Structure

Constituent Structure:
Feature Processing

  1. Features:

    Predicates that access and instantiate constituent feature values.

  2. Internal structure:

    Predicates that provide access to the internal structure of simple and complex constituents.

  3. Constructors:

    Predicates for building basic constituents and complex constituents out of simpler constituents.


General Features:
addFeature, addFeatures
Positional Features:
Agreement Processing:
agreeAGR/2, agreeAGR1/2

(*) Not actually described here. Reference is to internal structure predicates.

General Features

Category label of constituent X is C

Note there are no mode restrictions on cat. Examples:

  Goal Bindings Notes
(a) cat([NP John],C) C = np  
(b) cat(X,np) X = [NP...] X is instantiated to be a new constituent with category label np. Other features and (possible) subconstituents are unspecified.
(c) cat(X,C) X = [C...] As above, except the category label C remains unbound.
(d) cat([NP John]) None Checks for constituenthood.

In (b) and (c) above, cat/2 is being employed as a partial constructor. For convenience, cat/1 can be used in its place when the category label is not required - e.g. to check for constituenthood as in (d) or to instantiate a new constituent.

References: Implementation Notes

+X has_feature +F Holds if constituent X has feature F

Basic Features

In general, features may be simple or complex. For example, consider the empty object of see in the following excerpt:

(a) Whom do you think that John saw?

Here, simple atoms like apos and gamma are used as features to indicate that the empty object is both in an A-position and gamma-marked.

A complex feature structure, chain/3, is used to hold movement chain information. This feature has three slots indicating that this empty category is a base trace ( last ), that its antecedent is NPt[1], and that [[vp,i1,i2,c1],[]] represents the path leading up to NPt[1].

Of course, complex features need not be ground. Note the Case feature contains a slot with a variable ( _0 ). The verb see normally assigns accusative Case to its object. However, given Case transmission, the Case slot of the head of the entire chain, namely whom (not shown here), gets the value acc instead and the Case slot of the trace left behind is unbound.

In general, there are two standard modes of usage with X has_feature F. It can be used to further instantiate underspecified feature values as well as to perform simple look up as shown below. In other words, F will be unified with a matching feature. Here, we use NPt-A-P[1] to refer to the empty object of see from (a):

  Goal Result/Bindings
(b) NPt-A-P[1] has_feature gamma Succeeds / None
(c) NPt-A-P[1] has_feature adjunct Fails / Not applicable
(d) NPt-A-P[1] has_feature case(acc) Succeeds / _0 = acc
(e) NPt-A-P[1] has_feature a(+) Fails / Not applicable

Although has_feature can instantiate feature slots, as in (d), it cannot be used to add a new feature to a constituent. (The predicate addFeature can be used for this purpose instead.) The feature lookup mechanism is designed to be deterministic (except with respect to active features - to be described below). This implies that multiple occurrences of the same feature will be matched just once. In the case of ambiguity caused by addFeature augmenting the feature list with additional possible matches, the most recently added version of the feature has priority. This behaviour allows features to be superceded or overridden when necessary. For example:

(f)   (g)

  Goal Result/Bindings
(h) [NP] has_feature a Succeeds once / None
(i) [NP] has_feature c Fails / Not applicable
(j) [NP] has_feature c(+) Succeeds once / None
(k) [NP] has_feature c(-) Succeeds once / None
(l) [NP] has_feature c(X) Succeeds once / X = +

Specialty Features: oneof/2

Some support is provided for encoding exclusive-or disjunction within a constituent's feature set. The oneof feature when accessed through has_feature may be used to select and commit between mutually disjunctive sets of features. In general, we have the following form:

(m) oneof(_,[[+F(1)1,..,+F(1)n1],..,[+F(m)1,..,+F(m)nm]])

If predicate has_feature is called, say, to look up feature F(1)1, it will not only succeed but also commit the feature set to contain all the other features in that set. That is, for subsequent lookups, has_feature will also hold for all F(1) features, but crucially not for any from the alternate feature sets F(i>1).

Implementation Note: Once an initial selection has been made, the anonymous variable that is the first parameter of oneof will be bound to the selected feature set. In PAPPI, this is indicated using the oneis feature in the display. See examples (s) and (t) below.


Consider the following combined lexical entry for pleonastic and pronominal it:


(As an aside, the goal/2 feature that wraps around the entry's theta slot is used to select between the two senses of it. Basically, after theta-role assignment, if the theta slot is instantiated, it must be the pronominal. Otherwise, it's the non-argument. The general semantics of goal/2 will not be discussed here, but in the next section.)

The predicate has_feature will have the following behaviour:

  Goal Result/Bindings
(o) [NP it] has_feature agr(AGR) Succeeds / AGR = [3,sg,n], no selection made
(p) [NP it] has_feature p(+) Succeeds / Feature set is now
(q) [NP it] has_feature nonarg(+) After (p): Fails / Not applicable
(r) [NP it] has_feature nonarg(+) Before (p): Succeeds / Feature set is now


(s) It seems that John is happy

(t) It is happy

Specialty Features: goal/2

Finally, in general, features can be active or passive. So far, we have only seen passive features. Active features are features with an embedded Prolog goal to be executed whenever the feature is referenced via has_feature. In general, active features will have the form:

(u) goal(+Feature,+Goal)


Consider the following lexical entry for the genitive personal pronoun his:
Note that a(±) and p(±) are used to encode the Binding-theoretic features ±anaphoric and ±pronominal, respectively. Now, let's assume a theory in which English genitive pronouns behave either like pure anaphors, i.e. have features a(+) p(-), or pure pronouns, i.e. a(-) p(+), but not both or neither at the same time. The cost of two separate lexical entries can be avoided by allowing Binding-theoretic features to be contextually determined by Binding conditions A (for anaphors) and B (for pronouns). All we need is the right constraint for these two features.

Let's associate the predicate invPlusMinus/2 with the feature a(A). The goal invPlusMinus(A,P) will be invoked whenever the anaphoric feature is accessed. Its job will be to constrain A and P to be set to inverse or opposite values. Assuming conditions A and B are co-operative, this scheme works because if his is locally A-bound, it will satisfy condition A - which will set a(+). This will trigger the goal invPlusMinus(+,P) which will bind P to -. On the other hand, condition A will set a(-) if his happens not to be locally A-bound. This will trigger P to be bound to +. For example:

(w) John1 loves his1 mother (x) John1 loves his4 mother

In general, any feature can be made active. Here, we have illustrated how a simple checking constraint can be implemented, but many other uses are possible.(*) One caveat is in order at this point: to maximize the flexibility of this mechanism, the feature goal is allowed to be non-deterministic (and, hence, has_feature as well). However, a current limitation is that active features introduced by addFeature (as opposed to at lexical-insertion time) are forced to be deterministic.

For completeness, there is a rather obscure variant of goal/2:

(y) goal(+Feature,lambda(-X,+Goal))

(See the lexical entry for the noun it shown in (n) for an example.)

Here, X will be bound at call-time to the features that follow the active feature in question. Note X will be supplied as an open list. This variant is not supported and will be deleted in a future release. No documentation beyond this note is supplied.

References: addFeature

(*) Simple exercise for the reader. How do you cancel a simple feature, i.e. one like apos that's just an atom?

Adds either a list of features F1,..,Fn or just a single feature F to constituent X

For the purposes of feature lookup, i.e. has_feature, the convention adopted here is that features appended using addFeature will supercede pre-existing ones. This behaviour allows features to be updated or overridden as necessary.


Suppose features f(1), f(2) and f(3) are added to [NP] (in the given order):

addFeature(f(2),[NP]) addFeature(f(3),[NP])
(a)   (b)   (c)

  Goal Result/Bindings
(d) [NP] has_feature f(X) Succeeds once / X = 3
(e) [NP] has_feature f(1) Succeeds once / None
(f) [NP] has_feature f(2) Succeeds once / None
(g) [NP] has_feature f(3) Succeeds once / None

(See also the example from has_feature.)

Note: addFeatures([f(1),f(2),f(3)],X) is just a more efficient way of stating:

References: has_feature

+X has_id -V V is the unique id that identifies constituent X. The id is implemented as a variable and care should be taken not to instantiate or bind it to another variable.

Positional Features

highestSegment(+X) Holds if nothing has been adjoined to X. If adjunction to X has taken place, holds only when X is the highest or topmost segment.



  Goal Result
(b) highestSegment([VP completely [VP lost his mind]]) Succeeds
(c) highestSegment([VP lost his mind]]) Fails
(e) highestSegment([ADV completely]) Succeeds
(d) highestSegment([NP [NP his][N1 mind]]) Succeeds

References: Implementation Notes

X must be the lowest or bottommost segment of an adjunction structure.

Note: unlike highestSegment/1, lowestSegment(X) does not hold if there has been no adjunction to X.



  Goal Result
(b) lowestSegment([VP completely [VP lost his mind]]) Fails
(c) lowestSegment([VP lost his mind]]) Succeeds
(e) lowestSegment([ADV completely]) Fails
(d) lowestSegment([NP [NP his][N1 mind]]) Fails

References: lowestSegment/2 / highestSegment / segmentOf / Implementation Notes

Agreement Processing

Holds if constituents X and Y agree. The agreement feature is agr(AGR), where AGR is the value. Where applicable, the value will be updated to reflect the agreement.
The variant agreeAGR1/2 is an agreement checker. No updating of agreement values will be carried out.

Agreement Values:

The agreement feature agr(AGR) has a slot AGR which may be filled by an agreement value. Agreement values must have one of the following forms:

  Form Comment
(a) [+P,+N,+G] where P, N and G represent person, number and gender values:
may be a single element or a (possibly empty) list drawn from the domain {1,2,3} - the elements of which represent first, second and third person, respectively. Non-trivial lists represent disjunction. For example, P = 1 or [1] would agree with first person only. P = [1,3] would agree with either first or third person. The empty list [] stands for the entire domain, namely [1,2,3].
As above except the domain is {sg,pl,m} - representing singular, plural and mass, respectively.
As above except the domain is {m,f,n} - representing masculine, feminine and neuter, respectively.
(b) not([+P,+N,+G]) agrees with everything except [P,N,G].
(c) [[+P1,+N1,+G1],..,[+Pn,+Nn,+Gn]]
  agrees with [P1,N1,G1] through to [Pn,Nn,Gn].
(d) not([[+P1,+N1,+G1],..,[+Pn,+Nn,+Gn]])
  agrees with everything except [P1,N1,G1] through to [Pn,Nn,Gn].
(e) [] The empty list [] agrees with anything.
(f) -V V is a variable. This is equivalent to [].

For example, consider verb agreement values for English:

  Examples Form Agreement Value
(g) eat, die, flow Base (infinitival) not([3,[sg,m],[]])
(h) eats, dies, flows 3rd person singular present [3,[sg,m],[]]
(i) ate, eaten, died, flowed Past [] or _
(j) am 1st person singular present [1,sg,[]]
(k) was 1st and 3rd person singular past [[1,3],[sg,m],[]]
(l) are, were 2nd person plus 1st and 3rd person plural not([[1,3],[sg,m],[]])


Subject-verb coindexation and agreement:

(m) agreeAGR([NP John],I(AGR)t[1])

(n) agreeAGR([NP they],I(AGR)t[1])

(o) agreeAGR([NP we],I(AGR)[1])

References: agreeAGR/4 / Implementation Notes

agreeAGR(+-X,+FX,+-Y,+FY) Holds if constituents X and Y agree with respect to the agreement features FX and FY. Where applicable, FX and FY will be updated to reflect the agreement.

By convention, agreeAGR/2 assumes that the agreement in each constituent is encoded as agr(AGR). The variant agreeAGR/4 allows the caller to name another feature to hold an agreement value.

There are two constraints that must be observed:

  1. FX and FY must have arity 1, i.e. be of form f(AGR).
  2. FX and FY must be declared as agreement features unless they refer to agr/1. The declarations should be made using using agr_feature/1 as follows:



In the French implementation, we make use of an extra agreement feature agr1/1 to do the gender agreement. For example:

(a) Mariei lit sai livre
(b) *Marie lit sa livre
  Maryi reads heri book

In the lexicon, we have:

lex(sa, n,[morphC(gen),agr1([3,[sg,m],f]),agr([3,[sg,m],[]]),a(+),p(-)]).

(c) Marie1 lit son1 livre

References: agreeAGR/2

intersectAGR(+-X,+AGR) Holds if constituent X has a feature agr(AGRX) such that the value AGRX agrees with AGR. AGRX will be updated to reflect the agreement. Note: the value AGR is not updated.


In English noun phrases, certain classes of nouns can stand alone without determiners. For example, proper names like John, or plural count nouns like boys as in boys boarded the train, or mass nouns like water as in water flows downhill.

Let us write a predicate nonDet(N) that holds if a noun N can occur without a determiner. We will make use of the agreement feature plus a count feature. Count nouns will have the feature count(+), and mass nouns will have count(-). Also, assume proper names are without count/1:

noDet(N) :- \+ N has_feature count(_). % proper names
noDet(N) :-    N has_feature count(-). % mass nouns
noDet(N) :-    N has_feature count(+), intersectAGR(N,[[],pl,[]]).
Here, intersectAGR is used to pick out the plural count nouns. Note the agreement value of the noun will be updated. Hence, noDet will restrict the value of sheep in (a) to plural only, but not (b):

(a) John saw sheep (b) John saw the sheep

Reference: agreeAGR/2


coindex(+-X,+-Y) Coindexes constituents X and Y.

Indices are encoded using the feature index(I) where I represents the slot holding the actual index value. Coindexation will unify index values. If the feature index(I) is not already present in either or both constituents, coindex will add it before unifying index values.


In the following example, the (unindexed) subject John in (a) is coindexed with inflection, I(AGR)t, which already has been assigned the index 1 through head movement. The result of

coindex([NP John],I(AGR)t)
is shown in (b). Here, John has acquired an index feature with the same value as I(AGR):

(a)   (b)

coindex can be defined using the predicate index/2 as follows:

coindex(Item1,Item2) :-
Reference: index

index(+-X,-I) Gives constituent X an index feature if it doesn't already have one. I reports the value of the index.

Indices are represented by the feature index(I) where I is the value of the index. The predicate index/2 checks to see whether this feature is present. If so, I is returned. If the feature is missing, the constituent is indexed by adding the feature to its feature set.


In (a), index([V sleeps],I) will succeed with I bound to 2.
In (b), index([NP John],I) will assign a new index feature to John, as shown in (c), and report the value of the feature - in this case - 1:

(b)   (c)

Note: index is used to define coindex.

Reference: coindex / Implementation Notes

link(+-X,+-Y) Imposes the constraint that constituents X and Y have the same index if they both should become indexed.

link is the "lazy" counterpart of coindex. These two predicate operate identically when X and Y are already indexed, i.e. when they already possess the feature index(_). However, if either or both of the constituents aren't indexed, coindex will fill in any missing index features (and then coindex), whereas link doesn't assign an index feature, but waits until both constituents are explicitly indexed before coindexing them.

Reference: coindex / Implementation Notes

Internal Structure